not really a blog...just some links to articles, books, reviews, blogs, sites

22 August, 2008


Indian papers

A hardwired dispute - Hindustan Times

Think the unthinkable - Hindustan Times

Independence Day for Kashmir - Times of India

Kashmir needs freedom from India: Arundhati Roy - Times of India

Foreign papers

Land and freedom - Kashmir is in crisis: the region's Muslims are mounting huge non-violent protests against the Indian government's rule. But, what would independence for the territory mean for its people? , by Arundhati Roy - Guardian

Kashmir Rumbles, Rattling Old Rivals - NYT

Bitter fruit - Hindus and Muslims up in arms - Economist

The Kashmir tinderbox - Recent unrest in Kashmir has undermined peace prospects between nuclear powers. Meenakshi Ganguly looks at the suffering of Kashmiris caught in a cycle of violence - New Statesman

Pacifying Kashmir , by Sumit Ganguly - WSJ

New Era for Pakistan--and Kashmir? , by Barbara Crossette - The Nation

A Ticking Time Bomb: U.S. Officials Should Not Forget Kashmir - World Politics Review

Kashmir violence reignites sectarian tensions - CSM

In Kashmir, Fears of Increasing Militancy - WP

Tens of thousands in Kashmir march to UN offices - AP

A Perilous Religious Game in Kashmir - TIME

Kashmir’s Hindus and Muslims in Shrine Dispute - NYT

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