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24 August, 2008

Bangladesh - jihad, rising sea

Get a grip on Dhaka - With U.S. forces preoccupied in Pakistan, an Al Qaeda affiliate has been gaining power in Bangladesh , by Selig S. Harrison - LAT

Waterworld - With rising Islamic fundamentalism, weak government, and not enough dry land for its 150 million people, Bangladesh could use a break. Instead, it must face the catastrophic threat of climate change , by Robert D. Kaplan - The Atlantic

Bangladesh is set to disappear under the waves by the end of the century - Bangladesh, the most crowded nation on earth, is set to disappear under the waves by the end of this century – and we will be to blame. Johann Hari took a journey to see for himself how western profligacy and indifference have sealed the fate of 150 million peoplewent to see for himself the spreading misery and destruction as the ocean reclaims the land on which so many millions depend - Independent

Stopping the Sea: Can We Ever Find a Solution?
Afsan Chowdhury examines the complexities of climage change and what can be done - Daily Star Forum

Everybody Should Care if Bangladesh Drowns - A. Hannan Ismail asks what the global North's lack of commitment to tackling climate problems might mean from a human rights perspective - Daily Star Forum

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