not really a blog...just some links to articles, books, reviews, blogs, sites

21 August, 2008

Asia and the world order

When Asia Was The World

When Asia Was the World by Stewart Gordon

World Order
Where Is the World Headed? - A multipolar world must prepare for a relative decline in US power and the turbulence that may follow , by Immanuel Wallerstein - Yale Global

Facing a Post-American World , interview with Fareed Zakaria - NPQ
Here Comes the Second World , by Parag Khanna - NPQ

Asian Triumph
Be Wary of Asian Triumphalism , by Anne-Marie Slaughter - NPQ
When Western Interests Trump Values , by Kishore Mahbubani - NPQ
The west is strategically wrong on Georgia , by Kishore Mahbubani - FT

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