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22 September, 2008

India - the relationship with China

Nuclear Distraction - ...the deal will make it easier for Washington to call on India as a counterweight to China's influence.

...the deal will bring India into the U.S. camp as a regional counterweight to China's growing influence. But it appears unlikely that India would allow itself to be used as a foil against an increasingly assertive China, lest Beijing step up military pressure along the long disputed Himalayan frontier and surrogate threats via Pakistan, Burma and Bangladesh , by Brahma Chellaney - WSJ

Nuclear India must end its China-bashing - India’s success last week at the Nuclear Suppliers Group meeting in Vienna unleashed a wave of nationalist chest-beating , by Joe Leahy - FT

Tibet tops agenda in India-China talks - Border meeting to focus on region where Indian nationalists are staking an increasingly loud claim , by Randeep Ramesh - Guardian

New Delhi looks to Asia for energy - India is slowly joining a host of other nations jockeying for power in the resource-rich and strategically important Central Asian region, leading some observers to call it the “New Great Game” , by Rahul Bedi - The National

India looks to Central Asia for energy - How will India secure its energy supplies? The question is relevant to China as well. China’s energy needs are three times those of India , by Hari Sud - UPI Asia

India targeting China's oil supplies - Military planners in India are eyeing a crucial junction of the world which serves as the conduit for 80 per cent of China's imported oil , by David Blair - Telegraph

China's military ambition fuels Asian arms race - China's growing military ambition, matched only by its growing military spending, is fuelling a rapid Asian arms race , by Richard Spencer - Telegraph

China and India have been on opposite sides since the Cold War - The Cold War made for strange alliances - and these have quickly changed since its demise , by Richard Spencer - Telegraph

India 'must not show weakness to China' - India's defence ministry occupies the soaring colonnades of the Secretariat Building, an imposing legacy of the British Raj in the heart of New Delhi , by David Blair - Telegraph

India moves closer to US to balance China's rise - As India modernises its armed forces, the country is forging an increasingly close alliance with America in an effort to counterbalance the rise of China , by Rahul Bedi - Telegraph

US to court India to balance China - Whoever is voted in as the next US president in November, coping with the growing Chinese threat will remain a key area of defence policy , by Alex Spillius - Telegraph

India to spend more on defence than Britain within five years - India's military spending is set to overtake Britain's present defence budget within five years as the country transforms its armed forces to counter-balance China , by David Blair and Thomas Harding - Telegraph

European military budgets still far surpass China and India - The growth military might of China and India has undoubtedly been rapid in the last decade, but their defence budgets still fall short of the combined total of Europe's leading military powers , by Thomas Harding - Telegraph

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