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09 September, 2008

India - miscellaneous


Lower castes get a leg up in the new India , by Somini Sengupta - IHT

Child malnutrition is an old stain on a new India ,
by Henry Chu - LAT

The Waste-Pickers of Delhi - The original Delhi recyclers have turned garbage into cash for decades. Now, a carbon-credit-generating incinerator may put them out of business , by Daphne Wysham - Mother Jones

Indian Ocean, China, US

The latest 'great game' involves Indian Ocean - A Sri Lankan port being built by China points to Beijing's jockeying with India for regional influence - AP

India/China reality check - Smoke and Mirrors: an Experience of China by Pallavi Aiyar , review by Sukhdev Sandhu - New Statesman

Obama, McCain Should Make U.S.-India Relations a High Priority , by Nirav Patel and Vikram Singh - WPR

Ramayana, Hindu nationalism

All Indian life is here - The British Library's Ramayana miniatures - masterpieces of Hindu art, many painted by Muslims - are testimony to a time when religious relations on the subcontinent were less fraught , by William Dalrymple - Guardian

Orientalism Inverted: The Rise of 'Hindu Nation' - Is Indianness just a German ideology? In the first of a two-part analysis of neoliberalism in the subcontinent, Neil Gray traces the history of Hindu cultural nationalism, from a colonialist mystique of pure spirituality to today's fascist pogroms and economic polarisation - Mute

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