not really a blog...just some links to articles, books, reviews, blogs, sites

27 July, 2008

Blogs, Wikis


Vikram Sood's Perspectives... A former intelligence chief's take on global security issues ranging from terrorism, energy, geo-politics, nuclear proliferation, US, China, India, Pakistan, Middle East and Central Asia

Rupee News: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Strategic Vision, Profound Analysis, Unique Ideas

A wide angle view of India - balanced and reliable information on a variety of subjects, mostly India-centric

Another Subcontinent - South Asian society and culture

Pak Tea House - to revive the culture of debate, pluralism and tolerance
The Pakistan Policy Blog - a regular, critical perspective on Pakistan’s domestic and foreign affairs

Lanka Page - Inside the Sri Lanka smoking gun

Reference - Wiki

HinduWiki - a wiki exclusivly about Hinduism

SikhiWiki - a free Sikh Encyclopedia and learning tool...

1 comment:

Raza Rumi said...

Thanks for linking to Pak Tea House!!