not really a blog...just some links to articles, books, reviews, blogs, sites

24 June, 2008

Treasure, poet, feud, hashish, opium, mirage, mullah, pagan

Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures From the National Museum, Kabul

Afghanistan's Hidden Treasures. How a trove of priceless antiquities survived - National Geographic

Afghanistan's hidden treasures, hidden no more - LAT

The Silk Road, Paved in Gold - WP


Afghan poet's tomb calls to lovelorn - Toronto Star

Afghan blood feud ends after 30 years - Telegraph

Afghans uncover 260 tons of hashish in record bust - WP

Opium for the Masses. Who is the Enemy in Afghanistan?
by Eric Walberg - Counterpunch

Afghanistan growing drug trade will prolong conflict 'for years to come' - Telegraph

Afghanistan: Mirage of the good war by Tariq Ali - New Left Review

Nato's lost cause. The west's 'good war' in Afghanistan has turned bad. A local solution, rather than a neocolonial one, is what's needed - by Tariq Ali - Guardian

The Rise of Afghanistan's Insurgency: State Failure and Jihad - International Security

Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan - RAND


No Sign until the Burst of Fire: Understanding the Pakistan-Afghanistan Frontier - International Security

The Long Life of the Frontier Mullah , review of Frontier of Faith: Islam in the Indo-Afghan Borderland by Sana Haroon - The Nation

Taking Back The Frontier , by Ahmed Rashid - WP

Pagan sect at Pakistan border lives amid conservative Muslims - McClatchy


Leadership Void Seen in Pakistan - NYT

Why the Need to Spread the Message of Allah in an Islamic Society? The Tablighi Jamaat Movement - by Ferzana Versey - Counterpunch

A Journey Interrupted: Being Indian in Pakistan by Ferzana Versey

Turkish Schools Offer Pakistan a Gentler Vision of Islam - NYT

Pakistan Picaresque - Wilson Quarterly

Central Asia

Remote Tajik outpost on front line of drugs war - WP

Old Farming Habits Leave Uzbekistan a Legacy of Salt - NYT

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