not really a blog...just some links to articles, books, reviews, blogs, sites

25 May, 2008

Indian foreign relations - China, Iran, US, Europe

Comparing India and China - some background

Power and Population in Asia - Demographics and the strategic balance - Policy Review, Hoover Institution

The western view of the rise of India and China is a self-affirming fiction - Both made their most impressive gains when they rejected the free market. They need a new way of becoming modern.
Pankaj Mishra - Guardian

China vs. India: A battle of ideas - IHT.
This quote is from January 2006

"There's a lot of turmoil on the surface of Indian democracy, but there's a lot of consensus deep down on the political system. In China, the reverse is true. It's stable on the surface, but not deep down. There could be an earthquake that upsets everything in China. That's certainly not going to happen in India."

India and China - optimistic

China and India: Cooperation and Competition - Chatham House
Billions of Entrepreneurs in China and India - Q&A with Tarun Khanna - HBS Working Knowledge
India and China are inverted mirror images - interview with Tarun Khanna - TOI

India and China - pessimistic

China's Strategy of Containing India - PINR
Tibet is one thing, but India and China tensions spell bigger disaster -London Times
India, the incredible and the vulnerable -IHT
China's future water war with India - UPI AsiaOnline
The Emergent India-China Competition: Benign Intent or Aggressive Design? - OpinionAsia

Pragati - The Indian National Interest Review - May 2008 (pdf) - includes
"The new currency of power - a discussion on strategic affairs with K. Subrahmanyam"
"Use the Tibet Card to settle the India-China border dispute"

India and Iran, India and Europe

India-Iran Relations: Key Security Implications - Belfer Center
New Delhi’s Pragmatism - CFR
Contemporary Indian Views of Europe - Chatham House

Some research programmes

Project on India and the Subcontinent - Belfer Center
South Asia Program - Stimson Center
Asia Programme - Chatham House

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