not really a blog...just some links to articles, books, reviews, blogs, sites

26 May, 2008

India - major great giant superpower

Unbound India - emerging, growing, rising, transforming and arriving tiger...or elephant

India: The Emerging Giant - by Arvind Panagariya
India: Emerging Power - by Stephen Philip Cohen
Reintegrating India with the World Economy - by T. N. Srinivasan and Suresh D. Tendulkar
India as an Emerging Power - by Sumit Ganguly

25 May, 2008

Indian foreign relations - China, Iran, US, Europe

Comparing India and China - some background

Power and Population in Asia - Demographics and the strategic balance - Policy Review, Hoover Institution

The western view of the rise of India and China is a self-affirming fiction - Both made their most impressive gains when they rejected the free market. They need a new way of becoming modern.
Pankaj Mishra - Guardian

China vs. India: A battle of ideas - IHT.
This quote is from January 2006

"There's a lot of turmoil on the surface of Indian democracy, but there's a lot of consensus deep down on the political system. In China, the reverse is true. It's stable on the surface, but not deep down. There could be an earthquake that upsets everything in China. That's certainly not going to happen in India."

India and China - optimistic

China and India: Cooperation and Competition - Chatham House
Billions of Entrepreneurs in China and India - Q&A with Tarun Khanna - HBS Working Knowledge
India and China are inverted mirror images - interview with Tarun Khanna - TOI

India and China - pessimistic

China's Strategy of Containing India - PINR
Tibet is one thing, but India and China tensions spell bigger disaster -London Times
India, the incredible and the vulnerable -IHT
China's future water war with India - UPI AsiaOnline
The Emergent India-China Competition: Benign Intent or Aggressive Design? - OpinionAsia

Pragati - The Indian National Interest Review - May 2008 (pdf) - includes
"The new currency of power - a discussion on strategic affairs with K. Subrahmanyam"
"Use the Tibet Card to settle the India-China border dispute"

India and Iran, India and Europe

India-Iran Relations: Key Security Implications - Belfer Center
New Delhi’s Pragmatism - CFR
Contemporary Indian Views of Europe - Chatham House

Some research programmes

Project on India and the Subcontinent - Belfer Center
South Asia Program - Stimson Center
Asia Programme - Chatham House

24 May, 2008

Burma - some dimensions

Historical dimension - cyclones, the British.

The shared history of Britain and Burma by Thant Myint-U
Daily Telegraph

Death Comes Ashore by Amitav Ghosh - NYT

Timeline: Major tropical cyclones -BBC

Ethnic dimension - the Karen of the delta, insurgency

The Irrawaddy Delta: Before the Cyclone - The Irrawaddy
Relief as war in Myanmar - Asia Times

Security dimension - 2 x Robert D. Kaplan

Aid at the Point of a Gun - NYT
Burma’s Next Chapter - The Atlantic

Environment dimension - deltas, mangroves, floods

The Dangers of the Deltas - NYT
Before cyclone hit, Burmese delta was stripped of defenses - IHT
How Nargis Devastated an Already Vulnerable Land - Spiegel
Mangrove loss 'put Burma at risk' - BBC
Mangrove destruction raised Burma toll - ABC (Australia)
Bay of Bengal risks tsunami too - ABC (Australia)

Other dimension - strangeness, mysticism

Armed group steals corpse of revered Myanmar monk - Straits Times/AFP
Mystic says 'sorry' for Myanmar cyclone prediction - Straits Times/Reuters

Some older articles

Burma: A Special Supplement - 1958, written by Burmese contributors - The Atlantic
Burma - 1971, travel piece by Paul Theroux - The Atlantic

23 May, 2008

The Delhi-India-Subcontinent blog

Namaste ! Salam !
A new blog by the Delhi correspondent of Le Figaro, Marie-France Calle - in French, bien sur - covers the whole Subcontinent. I like her perception and her imagination....and I like that she sometimes mentions books in her posts.

Two other blogs

Pakistan: Now or Never? Perspectives on Pakistan - Reuters Blogs

Sepia Mutiny - Indian diaspora, US/Canada

More on global Asian/Asian global intellectuals

Articles by, or interviews with, some of the Asian intellectuals mentioned in a previous post can often be found in these two publications: YaleGlobal Online and National Perspectives Quarterly.

Some recent ones include

Peeling Away the Western Veneer- interview with Kishore Mahbubani - NPQ

Bound Together: The Future of Globalization - excerpts from Nayan Chanda's book - NPQ

China Must Convince the World Its Rise Is Peaceful - by Lee Kuan Yew - NPQ

India’s Forgotten Farmers by Tarun Khanna - YaleGlobal

Food for Thought by Nayan Chanda - Yale Global/Businessworld

À propos global Asian intellectuals, one more who is not yet on the list is French-Chinese-American musician Yo-Yo Ma.

Paths of Globalization: From the Berbers to Bach by Yo-Yo Ma - NPQ

China + India = Chindia

There are countless books on the new, rising Asia, most of them about China but also quite a few about India. Here is a selection of some recent books about both China and India.

Asia's Giants: Comparing China and India by Edward Friedman and Bruce Gilley
China and India: Cooperation or Conflict? by Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu and Jing Dong Yuan
China and India Learning from Each Other: Reforms and Policies for Sustained Growth by Jahangir Aziz, Steven Vincent Dunaway, and Eswar Prasad

22 May, 2008

Asian intellectuals

From Foreign Policy a list of the top 100 global public intellectuals. Of those 16 are Asians - 7 of them Indian, 5 of them Chinese. Here are their biographies/profiles, mainly from Wikipedia.

It is somehow telling that those of the Chinese are either very short or entirely missing.

Indian or Indian-born

Ramachandra Guha, historian
Ashis Nandy, political psychologist
Sunita Narain, environmentalist
V.S. Ramachandran, neuroscientist
Salman Rushdie, novelist
Amartya Sen, development economist
Fareed Zakaria, journalist, author


Fan Gang, economist
Hu Shuli, journalist
Minxin Pei, political scientist
Wang Hui, political theorist
Yan Xuetong, political scientist

Other Asians

Aitzaz Ahsan, Pakistan, lawyer and politician
Anies Baswedan, Indonesia, university president, political analyst
Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore, politician, national patriarch
Muhammad Yunus, Bangladesh, microfinancier, activist

These are from the 2008 list, some of whom were also on the 2005 list. Here are a few more from the 2005 list who are not on the 2008 list.

Indian or Indian-born

Jagdish Bhagwati, economist


Gao Xingjian, novelist, playwright
Ha Jin, novelist
Wang Jisi, foreign-policy analyst
Zheng Bijian, political scientist

Other Asians

Shintaro Ishihara, Japan, politician, author
Kishore Mahbubani, Singapore, author, diplomat
Kenichi Ohmae, Japan, management theorist
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Indonesia, writer, dissident

Of all those only one, Kenichi Ohmae, is a business intellectual. He is on the Accenture top 50 list from 2002 as well, which also includes two Indian management gurus - the only three Asians on that list.

Sumantra Ghoshal
C. K. Prahalad

On the subject of business, globalization and diplomacy a few more Indians who are not on the lists should be mentioned - of course, there are more than these three, as well as many other Asians. Maybe they will make it onto some future list.

Nayan Chanda, editor of YaleGlobal Online
Tarun Khanna, professor at Harvard Business School
Shashi Tharoor, author, diplomat